Today, I had originally intended to post a nice, big, juicy one, but tomorrow I have a Referat to do. That translates out into "stupid German presentation". We could pick anything we wanted to do, so I'm doing Mozart. I'm just that nerdy.
This is a photo of me in Basel, Switzerland over the weekend. The caption should read: "Gee! Look at this 5 Franc coin!"
We were there on the Sunday, so the city was totally dead. But we wandered around a bit, had some expensive Swiss food, enjoyed the Rhein, took pictures of random pigeons, etc.
I had a good day today. For some reason I was unusually awake and chipper. I also have noticed how quickly my bike is growing on me. Sure, it doesn't look like much, but it gets the job done. Now, all it needs is an appropriate German name. I also went to the AYF office to pick up the cheque for one of my scholarships and the amount is way over what I received in a letter earlier this year, so that was a pleasant surprise. I figure it has something to do with me being a dirt poor student, and people finally realizing that. Now I can afford to go on expensive vacations and ignore that entirely. Huzzah!
I also went for a wonderful run, swept the kitchen floor, and after some experimentation, my dinner turned out fairly well. Julia and I have discovered a loop that takes us for a bit through these gorgeous gardens. I think they're small plots of land that people can rent just to grow beautiful things. Then my final stretch is along the Dreisam (the river that runs through Freiburg) so far away from cars and creepy German men staring at me run.
Alright, well, it is very, very late. Julia and I are making last minute Oktoberfest plans. I figure, we're SO close and if I don't go, I'll definitely regret it. My biggest concern is finding a place to sleep. Apparently, Julia's good friend Tom has offered to drive us to Munich from Ulm and is finding a place for us to crash with friends. Round trip to Ulm is 54 Euro, so that saves us a ton. Hey, as long as I have a floor to crash on, I'm good.
I figure I'm going to try and take it one vacation at a time. That way I don't get too overwhelmed.
Ok, tomorrow I have this stupid Referat, and I may attempt mopping the kitchen floor. That'll probably just take too much out of me, but we'll see. Yesterday I figured out how to buy stamps. That was extra exciting.
Ok. Schlafzeit. I need to give Wolfgang Amadeus the credit he deserves.
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